

FMCG & MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY में और कमाए 3 लाख रु महीनें तक

बिना किसी मशीन और PLANT लगाए LAUNCH करे अपना बिज़नेस

(Watch this video to learn how it works)

अपने BUSINESS IDEA TO SALES और PRODUCT बनाने से बेचने तक सीखें

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Our Achievements:

1000+ Products

1000+ Products Launched by Member of Our Community

Over 400 Case Studies

Over 400 Case Studies Created by Yadhu Chaturvedi

Selling Is an Easy Task

Selling Is an Easy Task if You Understand Market Patterns.

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Actual Price: Rs 999/-

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क्या आप जानते है 90% लोग अपना Product तो Launch कर देते है Market में पर उससे बड़ा पैसा नहीं कमा पाते है ऐसा क्यों ? जानिए मेरे इस Workshop में

What You Will Learn in this Workshop ?

Business Idea

Business Idea

Business करने के Ideas तो बहुत सारे है हमारे पास लेकिन कौनसी Industry Profitable रहेगी, ये जानिए

Product Selection

1000+ Products

उस Industry में Product कोनसा चलेगा जिसे हम अच्छा Profit कमा सके, ये जानिए

Product Development

आपका Product कैसे बनाना है, क्या उसकी Shelf Life होनी चहिए, ये जानिए


आप अपने Product को Brand बनाकर Market में लांच कैसे कर सकते हैं, ये जानिए

Market selling

Selling Is an Easy Task

अपने Product को Market में Sale कैसे करेंगे उसके Marketing कैसे करेंगे, ये जानिए

Community Building

आप अपने Lifelong Customer के Community कैसे Build करेंगे, ये जानिए

बिना किसी मशीन और Plant के Launch करें अपना Product अगले 30 दिनों में

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Actual Price: Rs 999/-

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अगर आप Confused है और अभी भी अटके हुए है अपने Product को Launch करने के लिए Market में, तो समझिये इस Pattern को और जानिए कैसे Products Market में Sellable बनते है।

What Our Students Say About Us...

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The Manufacturing & FMCG Business Model is Trusted and Used by India’s Top Entrepreneurs

बिना किसी मशीन और Plant के Launch करें अपना Product अगले 30 दिनों में

Join Kaamkaazi 9057898043

Actual Price: Rs 999/-

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Who Am I and Why I Built This ?


A pioneer of the Digital Movement in India, Mr. Yadhu has till now coached 10,000+ people and 1,000+ people Launched & Built their profitable online business in his guidance. He is the man behind one of the World's Largest Digital Seller Communities.

The members of this network are generating revenue from Rs. 1 Lakh - Rs. 50 Lakhs or more per year using Yadhu's Patented Formula. He is currently helping people from all walks of life learn this amazing formula through webinars and online course, and is helping launch 10+ profitable products every month.

- Yadhu Chaturvedi

650k+ YouTube Community

10,000+ People Coached

बिना किसी मशीन और PLANT के LAUNCH करें अपना PRODUCT अगले 30 दिनों में

Join Kaamkaazi 9057898043

Actual Price: Rs 999/-

Limited Time Free Registrations

Important Instructions:

* BLOCK 90 MINUTES - This will be an in-depth LIVE session. Sit in a quiet place to learn.

* TAKE NOTES - Please have your notepad pen and paper handy before you come in.

* GET CLARITY - Ask questions at the end of the session to get all points clarified.

Join Kaamkaazi 9057898043

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can join from your desktop or your mobile phone using your dedicated link shared on your email, once you register for the workshop.​

Yes, you will be reminded 1 hour before the workshop via email, WhatsApp & SMS.

It’s 2 hours in detail workshop. Make sure you block 2 hours and you stay till the end.

No. This Masterclass will be LIVE. No recording or replay. Make sure you attend it LIVE and make best out of your time.

You Will Get the Bonus E-book at the end of the webinar

You Will Get the Bonus E-book at the end of the webinar

Masterclass is in Spoken Hindi language.

बिना किसी मशीन और Plant के Launch करें अपना Product अगले 30 दिनों में

Join Kaamkaazi 9057898043

Actual Price: Rs 999/-

Limited Time Free Registrations

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